Growing Stories – Cidinha

The planted tree sector helps change lives. In the first episode of #HistóriasCultivadas we meet Cidinha, who only entered this industry at age 40; she has moved up in her career, and today supervises a nursery with 20 employees.


Cidinha, she is a real extrovert, she likes to chat, she likes to participate…

She got married when she was 17, was a homemaker for 24 years, and then when she turned 40 Cidinha went back to work.

At 40, you go into a company, then you work in production, and then you become a leader…. For me this was very important.

At the time I didn’t own my own home to live in, I said to myself: I need to help my husband, pay the bills, we have 4 children, help my family, right?

My sister also worked in the factory, she worked as a nurse at the factory til she retired; that’s me, my mother, my brother also worked in the factory, in the laboratory until he retired, and this here is my youngest sister.

On the first day that I came to work here, I was so happy, I felt fulfilled. The seedlings, I didn’t even know how they were made, for me it was all new.

You have to be especially careful with the seedlings too, it’s not just with people! (laughs). 

Good afternoon, ladies! 

Each forest planted with eucalyptus, we plant some native species in the middle, you need to plant them to preserve the water underground…


She’s a mother, a dedicated woman, a happy woman who wakes up early, smiling and singing.

My oldest daughter is a psychologist, Thaís is a chemist, Thiago and Diego have degrees in physical education.

Because today putting 4 kids through college is not easy, you know.

Ah, for me family for me has evolved over time. Identifying more with nature, finding other ways, we are recognizing eucalyptus more for what it does.

I feel an energy, a great satisfaction in knowing that these forests… I helped establish them.

Harvest is coming, they will be cut, go to the factory, they’ll become different kinds of paper, it will generate a lot of work for people.

Cidinha is one of the 3.8 million people who work in the Brazilian planted tree industry

These trees provide the raw materials for nearly 5,000 products that are essential in our everyday lives

The planted tree industry helps change lives. In the first episode of the series #HistóriasCultivadas, meet Cidinha, a team member who came into this sector at age 40, moved up in her career, and today supervises a nursery with 20 employees.

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